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Your Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia

Your Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia

For the 4 million people in the United States who live with fibromyalgia, life can be challenging. This chronic condition has no cure and can be a moving target in terms of symptoms.

While the picture we’ve just painted may sound hopeless, we assure you that there is a good deal of hope for people with fibromyalgia — it’s just a matter of finding the right combination of treatments that work best for you.

At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, our team of pain management experts counts fibromyalgia among the many conditions that we treat. While we recognize that no two people follow the same fibromyalgia journey, some common treatments have garnered success.

Potential symptoms of fibromyalgia

To give you an idea of the wide net that fibromyalgia can cast, here are some of the more common symptoms of this chronic and all-encompassing condition:

Fibromyalgia can strike at any age, but it tends to develop in middle age and affects significantly more women than men.

Finding relief from fibromyalgia

One of the reasons we listed some of the more common symptoms is to illustrate why treating  fibromyalgia often takes a multipronged approach. From musculoskeletal pain and GI issues to cognitive and mental health side effects, fibromyalgia can touch many areas of your life.

This means that a solid treatment plan often involves several approaches, including:

We also know that fibromyalgia responds poorly to high stress, so we also recommend focusing on stress management using techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises.

When we start treating your fibromyalgia, we concentrate our efforts on getting you to a place where you have less pain and discomfort. From there, we find the best combination of treatments to both manage your symptoms and keep your fibromyalgia from flaring up. 

It’s difficult to say here which treatments are right for you, as we need to sit down with you to review your symptoms. Once we have a better idea as to how your fibromyalgia is affecting you, we can suggest a combination of treatments that we think would work best in helping you to improve your quality of life.

To figure out how best to approach your fibromyalgia, we invite you to call or message us today to schedule an appointment. We have offices in Waco, Arlington, Wichita Falls, and Fort Worth, Texas.

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