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Who’s At Risk for BPH and Is it Preventable?

Who’s At Risk for BPH and Is it Preventable?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the issues many men have to deal with as they age. Although some men may not have any symptoms, others will have difficulty with urination and other complications.

Knowing the risk factors for BPH can help you understand the symptoms so you can seek help early on. Even if you can't prevent your prostate from enlarging, you can take steps to ensure the rest of your body is healthy to slow the progression of the problem.

At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, Dr. Jason Kouri and Dr. Brian Wasson offer men's health exams to determine if you have problems with your prostate.

If you're having a men's health issue, the team carefully evaluates your symptoms and provides customized treatments to help you get relief.

What is BPH?

BPH is a condition that affects men. It happens when a man's prostate enlarges, especially as they age. BPH is common and affects almost every man at some point in life.

BPH itself doesn't cause any symptoms, but because the prostate sits just below the bladder, it causes various urinary symptoms, including:

The prostate encases the urethra, which causes many of the symptoms as it becomes more prominent. In severe cases, the prostate causes a blockage from the constriction of the urethra, leading to complications like bladder stones, urinary tract infections, and kidney damage.

Risk factors for BPH

Every male has the potential to develop BPH. Still, certain factors increase the risk of the condition, including:

Family history of BPH

Having a father or brother who has BPH means you're also at an increased risk for the condition.

Over the age of 40

BPH rarely affects men under the age of 40, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. You're at a higher risk for BPH over the age of 40, and the risk only increases as you get older.

Sedentary lifestyle

Obesity increases the risk of BPH, which happens due to a sedentary lifestyle. Not exercising and not watching what you eat increases the risk of obesity and BPH.

Chronic medical conditions

If you're living with heart disease, diabetes, or erectile dysfunction, you're at risk for developing BPH.

Can I prevent BPH?

The short answer to whether you can prevent BPH is no, but there's more information you should consider. Unfortunately, most men will have a prostate that grows as they age, inevitably leading to BPH.

Although it's not preventable, there are steps you can take to understand prostate health and determine when to seek help for worrisome symptoms. For example, if you suddenly have trouble urinating, it could be a sign of an enlarged prostate.

Even though lifestyle changes can't prevent BPH, they can keep you healthy, which can keep chronic medical conditions from getting worse, which may exacerbate BPH symptoms.

Exercising regularly is an excellent way to manage your weight and keep your prostate healthy. Simply walking daily, lifting light weights, or riding a bike can significantly impact your health positively.

Watching what you eat is another great way to keep your prostate healthy. A heart-healthy diet is essential for maintaining your weight and preventing chronic health issues, which can affect your prostate.

If you already have BPH, specific steps like limiting the amount of alcohol or caffeine you drink, urinating when you feel the need, and restricting liquids before bed can help manage your symptoms.

If you need treatment for BPH, don't hesitate to call Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas today to schedule an appointment or request a consultation on the website.

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