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What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction has been shown to affect over 30 million men over the age of 20 in the United States. It affects men of all ages and becomes increasingly prevalent with age.

What is erectile dysfunction? 

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Some symptoms may include persistent trouble getting an erection, trouble keeping an erection, and reduced sexual desire.

While millions of men struggle with it, few ever actually seek treatment and are living within what they think to be their new normal.

But what causes erectile dysfunction? 

First, you should know, generally speaking, the causes for ED can be divided between two categories: physical and psychological. There are plenty of factors that contribute to each of those categories but most of the time it can be diagnosed to be one of those two. Let’s get into an overview of each category:

Physical Causes of ED: The two biggest factors that go into physical causes of erectile dysfunction are related to circulation and blood pressure. Coronary illness, atherosclerosis, elevated cholesterol and hypertension would all be able to affect the measure of blood streaming to the penis. Diabetes adds to ED by harming your nerves and veins. Taking certain medications is additionally connected with causing or compounding ED.

Some physical and organic contributors to erectile dysfunction are:

Psychological Causes of ED: When it comes to ED cases most of them are rooted in psychological issues – especially in men under the age of 40. Arousal starts in the brain and because of this, psychological issues can be an extremely significant contributing factor in erectile dysfunction. Mental health conditions like depression or anxiety can negatively affect your libido, making it more difficult to become or stay aroused.

Some of the psychological or mental contributors to erectile dysfunction include:

How do I know if I have erectile dysfunction? Testing for ED can involve a variety of steps, including a physical examination and taking your health and sexual history. Additional tests may be performed to determine if your symptoms are caused by an underlying condition.

Besides a physical exam and analysis of psychosocial history, additional tests can be performed. Tests can include an ultrasound, Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test, injection test, urine tests and blood tests.

A lot goes into achieving an erection. When you’re turned on, nerves fire in your brain. Blood then flows into your penis. If all goes well, you’re ready for sex.

Sometimes, all does not go well. Occasional problems aren’t anything that need treatment. If issues happen more often, you may have erectile dysfunction or ED.

What can I do about my ED? If you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction or have any symptoms of erectile dysfunction, contact Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas at (817) 242-5599 and let us help you treat your ED.

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