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Understanding Your Medical Pain Relief Options

Understanding Your Medical Pain Relief Options

If you live with pain every day, it changes your life. Your relationships may suffer, you may neglect your hobbies, and you might have problems working. You may even begin to feel as if there’s no good solution. 

At Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas, our providers meet patients each day who feel like they’ve tried everything. But we take an approach that’s different. 

We work to provide medical pain relief by treating you as a whole person rather than a collection of symptoms. We want you to enjoy optimal health, so we offer pain management methods to help you get there. 

You may find that you need a combination of tactics and techniques to feel your best. We’re here to help. Following are just a few of the options we offer for medical pain relief, without invasive procedures or potentially dangerous drugs. 

Trigger point injection therapy

Often, chronic pain is related to your soft tissues, including something called facia, which is a tissue that covers your muscles. Sometimes, your facia can become too tight, and that may cause knots and inflammation in your muscles, resulting in pain. 

Trigger point therapy involves stimulating those tight spots and using injections to help reduce the inflammation. Once we’ve released the knots and lowered the inflammation, you have less pain. 

MLS® laser therapy 

MLS stands for multiwave locked system, and it’s a type of laser therapy that reduces inflammation and eases pain. We can use it to help your tissues repair themselves, such as when you have a strained muscle or an overused tendon. 

It improves circulation, stimulates trigger points, and even improves the appearance of scar tissue.

Sometimes referred to as low-level laser therapy, MLS has been used to ease the pain of people with joint pain and limited mobility. In one small study of people with osteoarthritis, researchers found that laser therapy reduced pain, disability, and the need for medication. 

Nutrition counseling

It may not seem like your chronic pain has anything at all to do with your diet, but it very well could. Our patients are often surprised by the extent of pain relief they get from making changes to what they eat.

We offer a careful analysis of your current diet and take a look at your bloodwork to determine whether you may be low in any vitamins, minerals, or nutrients. We then help you build a diet that works for your health. 

The food you eat can increase or decrease inflammation, and inflammation is a key cause of chronic pain. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and healthy fats is a great way to start, and supplements may be beneficial as well. 

Nerve block injections

In some instances, injecting medication to a specific area to numb a group of nerves can ease pain. Nerve block injections can be used to ease pain, diagnose a source of pain, predict how well a treatment is likely to work, or to prevent pain following a procedure. 

Nerve block injections can be used on most parts of your body, including your face, neck, shoulders, arms, and abdomen. There are some potential side effects, and our providers always carefully discuss what you can expect before any given treatment. 

What is going to work for you? 

These are only a few of the approaches we use to help patients manage their chronic pain. To find out what is likely to work for you, schedule an appointment today. We always assess your situation carefully and build a treatment plan unique to you, designed to address your specific issues. 

Our offices are located in Fort Worth, Arlington, Waco, and Wichita Falls, Texas.

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