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Nip Spring Allergies in the Bud With These Tips

When you hear the phrase, “Spring is in the air,” it doesn’t really put a smile on your face, thanks to spring allergies. You’re certainly not alone in dreading this season — nearly one-third of adults in the United States, as well as nearly one-quarter of kids, have a seasonal allergy.

So, as the pollen starts to fly this spring, you want to do what you can to nip your seasonal allergies in the bud. To help, the team here at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, which includes allergy specialists, wants to outline a few great strategies that will have you breathing easier this year.

Get your spring allergy tool kit ready

Your first order of business is to sit down with one of our allergy specialists to make sure you have what you need to combat allergies and their symptoms. For example, we can get you set up with on-the-spot medications that can address everything from congestion and sneezing to watery eyes and a runny nose.

We can also discuss longer-term solutions that can prevent allergies from taking hold in the first place, such as oral medications or immunotherapies.

Watch your outdoor activity on certain days

Today’s weather reports go far beyond the temperature and whether it will be sunny or rainy. People with spring allergies can now track daily pollen counts, which allows you to avoid heading outdoors when counts are high. As well, pay close attention to wind reports because a high-wind day can send even small amounts of pollen flying.

Make your home an oasis

While you can’t control what goes on outside your home, you do have some control on the inside. Pollen can easily find its way inside your house, which is why it’s a good idea to:

This last point is an important one — spring allergies are mostly fueled by airborne irritants, so putting filters in your HVAC units is extremely helpful. To help guide you on air filters that help with allergies, check out this page from the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America.

While you may never rejoice in the coming of spring when you have seasonal allergies, with a little preparation, there’s no reason to dread the season.

To design a more tailored management plan for your seasonal allergies and to make sure your allergy tool kit is complete, please call or message us today at one of our offices in Waco, Arlington, Wichita Falls, and Fort Worth, Texas, to set up an appointment.

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