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Keeping Eyes Healthy in Winter

Keeping Eyes Healthy in Winter

Winter weather has an impact on many systems of the body. The colder weather can depress our immune systems, dry out our skin, and cause our joints to ache. But what does it do to our eyes? The winter months are a vulnerable time of year for your eyes, but as long as you are aware of the damage they risk, you can take care of your eyes and keep them healthy.

If you live somewhere extremely cold, try not to overexpose your eyes to low temperatures. Anything under 30° is irritating to the eyes, but prolonged exposure to extremely low temperatures can cause serious side effects, including blurred vision, sensitivity to light, eye pain, and vision loss. Taking care of your eyes means protecting them from the cold, just as you’d protect the rest of our body. Here are a few more tips for winter eye care.

Healthy eyes, like other systems in the body, benefit from common sense and a balanced lifestyle. At our clinic, we strive to help patients find that balance, so that they can live their best lives possible. To learn more about how we can help you, call today or your free consultation.

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