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How to Ease Your Knee Pain Without Surgery

How to Ease Your Knee Pain Without Surgery

A painful knee can result from osteoarthritis, a soft tissue injury, a fracture, or one of many other conditions that affect the knee. These conditions often come with mobility limitations, swelling, and other problems that stop you from using your knee for standing, running, and walking with ease. 

Here at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas in Fort Worth and San Antonio, Texas, our experts in alternative medicine, chiropractic care, and other specialties work together to find treatments and services that resolve or reduce your knee pain. Fortunately for you, a comprehensive care plan that considers your personal diagnosis and circumstances is likely to help you avoid surgery. 

While surgery is on the horizon for some, there are multiple treatment alternatives that do not involve incisions, scars, postoperative pain, and a lengthy recovery. Here’s what you can do to nonsurgically improve your knee pain.

Procedures in the office improve knee function

Minimally invasive treatments are procedures that do not involve incisions or general anesthesia. They’re nonsurgical and have dramatically shorter healing periods than surgery, if they require any downtime at all.

Our knee pain specialists at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas guide you through their suite of available nonsurgical treatments for knee pain, including multiple injections and infusions. You might benefit from:

Our providers assist you through these treatments and follow up to check for improvements. They also offer advice on how to care for your knee at home as you go through treatment, which might involve rest, gentle exercises, heating pads, or weight management.

Long-term therapy offers sustainable results

Knee therapy, a specialty at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, works toward long-term improvements for your knee pain and the function of the joint. Chiropractic care is an excellent long-term option that restores balance to the musculoskeletal system, easing pressure off a painful knee. 

Physical therapy is also crucial in rehabilitating a painful or injured knee. You learn specific exercises to restore or maintain your knee mobility and strength. Over time and with the help of other treatments, you may experience clear improvements in how your knee works. You need physical therapy after surgery too, but physical therapy alone can play an essential role in knee healing. 

You can also engage in long-term nutrition and diet changes that improve your overall health to support the effective healing of knee injuries. 

Get started today

Do you have a knee injury in need of structured, individualized, and nonsurgical care? Schedule an appointment with us over the phone or online at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas today.

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