Facts & Myths about Erectile Dysfunction

Facts and Myths about Erectile Dysfunction Simply put, erectile dysfunction is a man’s inability to have or maintain an erection. Nearly 30 million men in the United States have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. And while it’s a fairly common health concern for men, especially those who are age 65 and older, it’s not something that most men seek to get help for. Nearly everyone has an occasional lapse in performance, however, most men are unwilling to talk about it, even with their doctors.
In this post, we wanted to discuss common misconceptions about ED and men’s health. So that we can help you better understand your sexual performance.
Myth 1 Erectile Dysfunction should be accepted as a natural part of the aging process.
Fact – While ED is more common in older men, it is not a normal part of the aging process and should be viewed as a medical problem that requires a medical solution. Just as you would not leave high blood pressure untreated as you age, ED and its effects on the body should not be ignored. Boston Medical Group physicians have treated a wide range of patients over the past 10 years, with our oldest patient to date being 98 years old.
Myth 2 ED will just go away
Fact – ED does not just “go away”.
ED is a medical condition that can start for a variety of reasons and will continue to get worse over time if the root cause is not addressed.
This makes the danger of not getting tested and treated even greater. With atherosclerosis, you’re at a much higher risk for heart attacks, strokes, and even wound infections. However, clogged arteries aren’t the only cause of ED. Others include…
- High blood pressure
- Nerve damage
- Peyronie’s disease (extreme curvature of the penis)
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Injury to the penis
- Lower testosterone
- Elevated estrogen
Physical causes are just part of the equation. If your head is in the wrong place, getting an erection will be difficult. Psychological causes of ED can be:
- Anger towards your partner
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Boredom with your partner
- Guilt
- Performance anxiety
- Past traumatic sexual experiences
- Stress
Myth 3 You Can Cure Erectile Dysfunction Fast
Fact – It Depends On The Severity
Treating erectile dysfunction depends on several factors including…
- The severity of erectile dysfunction
- Lifestyle choices
- Diet
- Overall health
Erectile dysfunction is a good picture of your overall health. It involves a complex chain of events that involves your heart, lungs, brain, and other vital systems. So if your soldier isn’t standing at attention, it could be a warning sign of a more serious condition such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.
Myth 4 I don’t have to worry about ED until I’m over 70
Fact – Your sexual stamina does change over time. But while ED does affect more men over the age of 70, younger men aren’t immune. About one out of every four ED patients are under 40, and about 15% of men in their 20s report struggling with ED.
Myth 5 Taking a testosterone supplement will cure my ED
Fact – Testosterone will only help patients who have low testosterone levels, so it’s important to have your testosterone levels checked if you think you may have ED. Even if it turns out your testosterone levels are low, restoring them to the normal range may not be enough to eradicate ED. You still may need other ED treatments, which is why it’s important to talk to your doctor about any erectile problems.
There are plenty of misconceptions that people have about ED, and we want to discuss them with you! Erectile Dysfunction doesn’t have to stop your life.
What can I do about my ED? If you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction or have any symptoms of erectile dysfunction, contact Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas at (817) 242-5599 and let us help you treat your ED.
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