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Diabetic Neuropathy: How Can I Manage It?

Diabetic Neuropathy: How Can I Manage It?

Neuropathy, also known as “nerve damage,” is an uncomfortable condition common in people with diabetes. People with neuropathy experience weakness, numbness and pain in their hands and feet. The symptoms of neuropathy can have a real impact on daily life, from sleeping to driving and beyond.

At least 60-70% of people with diabetes will develop diabetic neuropathy, but symptoms can take years to appear. Research suggests that consistent high blood sugar levels cause surrounding nerve damage in patients with diabetes. This resulting nerve damage is referred to as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and symptoms include mild to chronic pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness affecting your feet, legs, arms, or hands.

Chronic pain can be a daily challenge for both the affected individual and their family. Adjustment and dedication to a new lifestyle, as well as building a solid support system, can all help make it possible to live with diabetic nerve pain.

At Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas, we’ve successfully treated patients with diabetic neuropathy and helped them get back to enjoying a pain-free life. We’ve gathered our top six tips for living with diabetic neuropathy to help you reduce your symptoms, or the likeliness of experiencing early symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Prevention and treatment begins with proper diabetic care.

Here are some of our top tips for managing and living with diabetic neuropathy.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to reduce pain from diabetic neuropathy and the likeliness of experiencing early symptoms if you were recently diagnosed with diabetes.

At Neuropathy and Texas Pain Centers of Texas, we have a range of nonsurgical treatments to reduce pain and other symptoms you’re experiencing from diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Don’t let pain stop you from enjoying your everyday life.

If you’re experiencing neuropathy or have any symptoms of neuropathy, contact Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas at (817) 242-5599 and let us help you treat your Diabetic Neuropathy.

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