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Coping with Seasonal Allergies Naturally

It’s been all over the news, so you’ve probably seen it: research indicates that people who use allergy medications regularly may be at greater risk for dementia. Building on a study published last year, researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine have found that people who use anticholinergic medications, like Benadryl and Claritin, regularly, have reduced metabolic function and decreased brain size. While the risk varies, based on different factors like sensitivity, age and lifestyle, it’s still a good reason to try and avoid taking allergy medicine. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies for allergies, so you’re sure to find one that works for you.

At our clinic, we embrace an integrated approach to wellness, seeking to address the underlying cause of medical issues, rather than simply treating symptoms. If you’re plagued by allergies, we have allergy testing to determine the source of your woes, and natural treatments to help alleviate them. For more information about how we can help you live a healthier life, call today for your free consultation.

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