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4 Major Benefits of Our Primary Care Services

It’s hard to overstate the value of good primary care — the frontline expertise that guides you in all things related to your health. Whether it’s routine care or you have specific needs and goals, you want a team that will make your health a top priority.

We believe that such a team can be found at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas. Our group of skilled and highly trained health care providers provides exceptional and personalized care for all of our patients, catering to their every need.

So, if you’re looking for top notch oversight of your health, here’s a look at what we feel are the best benefits of our primary care.

1. Understanding your health

When you choose us as your primary care provider, we start with an initial visit during which we cover your medical history and your concerns and goals moving forward. This visit is best done as an annual physical, which will give us some key baseline information.

As part of our physical, we gather data and vital statistics about your health, such as blood pressure and heart rate, and we run blood tests that provide key information about your health.

With the tests, your medical history, and our physical exam, we can create a comprehensive picture of your health that will set the stage for future care. 

This means that during subsequent visits and annual physicals, we can track any areas of concern and detect new trends that might require further investigation.

2. Chronic disease management

Did you know that 6 in 10 adults in the United States have one chronic disease and 4 in 10 have two or more? These diseases include:

To boot, nearly 21% of US adults have chronic pain, much of which is due to the illnesses we just outlined.

Our team is well versed in many of these illnesses, and we’re able to provide ongoing care that manages your disease and relieves your symptoms.

3. Coordinating your specialized care

Any time we believe that you require specialized care for your health, our goal is to point you in the right direction. Our primary care covers a lot of bases, but we also have our limits, and there are times when you need an expert in a more defined field.

If you do need a specialist, we work with that provider, exchanging information so that we can coordinate to make sure that all of your needs are met.

4. Staying one step ahead of your health

One of the most important services that we offer through our primary care is preventive care. We can help you stay one step ahead of any health issues in many ways, such as through:

Through our primary care, we identify key risk factors and guide you through how you can best reduce these risks and improve your health. 

To get started on your all-important primary care journey, we invite you to call or message one of our locations in Waco, Arlington, Wichita Falls, and Fort Worth, Texas, today to set up an appointment.

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