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4 Great Strategies for Managing Migraines

4 Great Strategies for Managing Migraines

A constant threat overshadows your life, and you’re tired of living like a prisoner to it. For the more than 39 million women, men, and children who are impacted by migraines, this statement is hardly an exaggeration.

Living with migraines can be challenging and unpredictable, and the condition can have no small impact on your quality of life. While there may not be a cure for this common headache, there are some management strategies that can help you take back control of your life.

The team at Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas offers a wide range of pain management options for a host of different conditions, including migraine headaches. When patients come to see us for migraines, here’s what we recommend as effective best practices.

1. Get a good migraine team in your corner

Migraines are tricky, and you need a medical team on hand that understands the ins and outs of these debilitating headaches.

That team exists here at our practice. We provide comprehensive and compassionate care for migraine sufferers, leaving no stone unturned in the process.

Reducing the impact that migraines can have on your life is often best accomplished by approaching the issue from many angles. From having the right medications on hand to lifestyle practices, we make sure you’re well armed. 

On top of preventive medications, we also offer adjunct treatments that can help, such as trigger point injections and chiropractic care.

2. Manage your food triggers

People with migraines often have triggers, many of them related to diet. It’s very important to figure out what precipitates your headaches so that you can take steps to avoid these triggers.

As examples, the most commonly reported trigger is alcohol at 33%, followed by chocolate at 22%. Also on the list are processed meats, cheeses, nuts, and beans.

Keep a food diary so that you can track what might be triggering your migraine attacks.

3. Watch out for stress

Stress is being referred to as the new smoking, and this statement isn’t off the mark. The impact that stress can have on our bodies is significant and includes migraine attacks.

So, if you’re under a lot of stress these days —  and who isn’t? — finding ways to relax is important. Some great relaxation and stress-busting techniques include:

You know yourself and what calms you best, so we recommend focusing on these activities, which can go a long way toward keeping migraines at bay.

4. Act quickly when a migraine strikes

If you have migraines with prodrome and aura — changes in your body and sensory disturbances that signal an oncoming migraine — you have the opportunity to act quickly. Taking medications at the first signs of an attack can head it off or shorten the headache considerably, and we can help you put together the right medication arsenal.

You can also try ice packs, along with getting into a dark room and making yourself as comfortable as possible. 

These same actions apply if you have migraines without prodrome and aura — the moment the throbbing pain develops, get going on the actions we just outlined.

To make sure you have everything you need for your migraines and to design a customized prevention and management plan, please call or message us today at one of our offices in Waco, Arlington, Wichita Falls, and Fort Worth, Texas, to schedule an appointment.

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