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Back Pain Treatments


There is no reason for anybody to suffer from back pain. This condition, while extremely common, is not a normal part of life and isn’t something that should be accepted as an unpleasant aspect of the human experience. Living with back pain can only lead the body down an unhealthy path of additional pain and increasingly restricted movement and activity.

Whether back pain has been caused by a sudden trauma or from age-related degeneration, it’s important to understand that there is an ever-growing list of healthy, conservative, and effective treatment options available. At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, we never give up when it comes to treating back pain, even in patients suffering from seemingly untreatable chronic pain and disability.

Causes of Back Pain

On a very basic level, back pain is the result of trauma or degeneration in any of the components of the back (spinal discs, muscles, etc.). The following is a list of some of the more common reasons that patients suffer from back pain:

  • Disc Injuries
  • Sciatica (often related to herniated or bulged spinal discs)
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle/Ligament Injuries
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Auto Accident Injuries

Back Pain


Check out our advanced, non-surgical Back Pain Relief Treatments!


Advanced Spinal Decompression

Herniated or bulging discs can put pressure on the spinal nerves, resulting in pain down the back and legs. At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, we offer nonsurgical decompression to relieve this pressure and alleviate associated pain. Unlike more invasive options, spinal decompression requires little to no recovery time or powerful pain medications—so you can enjoy the results and continue to perform your daily activities.

Spinal decompression uses mechanical traction to gently stretch the spine. During this procedure, you will lay on a special table while our healthcare professional controls the traction device through a computer. A session typically consists of 15 one-minute periods of decompression with a relaxation cycle in between, for a total of 30 minutes.

Nonsurgical decompression causes a vacuum-like effect, which allows any leaking tissue to return to the spinal disc. The vacuum also increases blood circulation in the spine, which brings nutrients and oxygen necessary for healing.

Patients report that decompression is a pain-free procedure; in fact, some even fall asleep during their session.

Advanced Spinal Decompression



Class 4 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

Class 4 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

There are many non-invasive methods of pain relief out there that can eliminate discomfort without any recover time. At Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas, Class 4 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is one of the treatments we use to alleviate pain and stimulate healing in our patients. Many people find that they experience immediate results after a short laser therapy session.

Using infrared lasers with a power output of over 500 milliwatts, Class 4 Laser Therapy penetrates the affected tissues, such as muscles, ligaments and bones. Our doctors can adjust the strength of the laser according to your specific condition to get the most powerful results.

When the laser hits the tissue, this causes a chain of events that lead to the production of adenosine tri-phosphate, which the cells use for energy. This, in turn, stimulates the injured cells in order to enhance healing, improve nerve function, increase vascular activity, reduce pain and reduce inflammation. The entire process is fairly quick, taking only 5-25 minutes per session.



Advanced Spinal Rehabilitation

An important part of the long-term success of your back health is process of strengthening and stabilizing your spine. Our Advanced Spinal Rehabilitation Therapy will help bring back your function and movement of your back, while promoting healing and relieving pain.

We will combine passive and active therapies in a custom build individualized plan just for your needs. With our state-of-the-art equipment, we can provide you the support while building your back to strength and increasing your mobility. Advanced Spinal Rehabilitation will help prevent future injuries, and keep your back healthy and strong.

Advanced Spinal Rehabilitation


What’s the right treatment for you?

Chronic back pain is terribly frustrating, and can keep you from the things you love most in life. We invite you in for an Advanced Back Pain Relief Screening, where we can find out what the best treatment is for your back pain. Fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule yours!


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